

Falcon in the Dive
Бэзил в своей автобиографии (In and Out of Character) описывает занимательный случай, произошедший с ним и Этвиллом)

"It was, I recall, the party which we gave a couple months after Errol Flynn's anecdotic landing on our lawn, when some girl's vigilant father, finding Errol in his lodgings, had the mind to drive him back to our place and throw him down onto the grass. This time, we had a bit of company, including Gene Raymond, George Jessel and Buddy Rogers. The evening went on, bright and loud, until someone fancied our swimming pool as a target for diving practice; I went to see and was involved in lengthy argument, conducted mostly in the dark, and one of those when the mind of the opponent is totally oppressed with liquid matter. I had them leave the friendly harbour, upon which the night seemed to exhaust itself and everyone was slowly getting off.

@музыка: ♫ Uriah Heep - Illusion

@темы: Мемуары машинки "Torpedo", Вавилонская библиотека, Rathbone, Fire At Will

01.04.2012 в 20:30

Больше всего в этой душераздирающей истории меня умилило этвилловское прозвище. :rolleyes:
01.04.2012 в 20:57

Falcon in the Dive
Его так звали потому, что он был рыжим xD
01.04.2012 в 21:34

I've got an idea for a column that will make Walter Winchell look like the kid who writes on fences
Милый Лайонел и в жизни оказывается столь же очаровательным, как и в своих фильмах. Приятно, когда любимец не разочаровывает...