

Echte Liebe
Вот чем они на тренировках занимаются *умиление*

"Mats explained the game they played: they call it “two contacts” because you’re only allowed to make two contacts (with the ball - no thighs). It’s a technical game and Neven did well accordingly. (I love how Mats is mocking him. Hee.)

Plus I love the fact how much Mats enjoys hurting Neven and is insisting on his right to flip Neven’s ear a second time - also yay for Shinji.

And Mats being his dorky self because he won this round." (с) tumblr

@темы: lovely Fuckin` Family, тумблр, сука, великая весчь, БЛ такая БЛ, Дортмунд

26.03.2012 в 18:20

Die Macht am Rhein
Elisaveta *Tanith* Porter
AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!1 даблять, что у вас за команда?! :heart::heart::heart:
26.03.2012 в 18:33

Echte Liebe
Alianika, они прекрасны)
26.03.2012 в 18:34

Die Macht am Rhein
Elisaveta *Tanith* Porter
дойч майстерс, блеать :lol::heart:

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