болею... на голову >.<
Клип на очень приятную мелодию от DYE. Ну и... концовка неожиданная. Очень.
"Тhe video tells the story of a group of highschool kids ready for teenage mischief. They break into the local swimming pool intending a session of innocent nightswimming, in an awkward climate of romance and apprehension. What happens next is for you to discover here."
"Тhe video tells the story of a group of highschool kids ready for teenage mischief. They break into the local swimming pool intending a session of innocent nightswimming, in an awkward climate of romance and apprehension. What happens next is for you to discover here."
DYE "Fantasy" Official Video by JEREMIE PERIN from TIGERSUSHI on Vimeo.